Wednesday 31 January 2018

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Tips for your exam preparation

   Question and answer

Transferring answers to the answer sheet Question: 

Question: What can I do if my students did not transfer their answers to the answer sheet before the end of the exam?

Answer: There is absolutely nothing that can be done in this case, so training your students to transfer their answers is really vital.   The mark they will receive is based only on the answers that they have written on their answer sheets.  Remember that no extra time is given to transfer answers, except in the listening test.  Invigilators will remind candidates when there are 10 and 5 minutes left.  If you want to get your students accustomed to transferring their answers, you will find sample answer sheets in the Handbooks for Teachers.  These can be downloaded from the Exams Catalunya webpage following
this link.  Please note that for YL exams there is no separate answer sheet – students can write their answer on the question papers.

Thursday 18 January 2018

El nou conte: The Mitten

Ha arribat el moment del conte en anglès.

Com cada mes teniu una cita a la Biblioteca Marc de Vilalba. Aquesta vegada ens explicaran el conte: The Mitten.

Ens veiem el dilluns 29 a les 17:30

Fins aviat!

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Resultats CAE

Ja tenim els resultats dels alumnes que s'han presentat a l'Advanced de la convocatòria de desembre.

Han aprovat tots!!


Tuesday 9 January 2018

Recaptació de la Pantomime

Des de Cambridge School volem agrair la vostra participació i col·laboració a la Pantomime del passat desembre.

La recaptació ha estat de 2.355 € per a Mans Unides.